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Liquid Reply joins Bytecode Alliance

veröffentlicht am 28.07.2022 von Christoph Voigt

Liquid Reply is proud to announce its official membership in the Bytecode Alliance, a nonprofit organization driving secure cross-infrastructure code execution. Discover our dedication to shaping the future of cloud-native applications with WebAssembly.

Today we're announcing that Liquid Reply is now officially a member of the Bytecode Alliance.

The Bytecode Alliance is a vendor-neutral, nonprofit organization that aims to establish a secure platform that allows application developers and service providers to run untrusted code on any infrastructure, operating system, or device.

With industry-leading members such as Mozilla, Microsoft, Fastly, or Intel, the Bytecode Alliance is supported by big players in the industry, and we are honored to join this community.

Why we're joining

At Liquid Reply, we are committed to cloud-native technology. We strongly believe that WebAssembly will change how we write cloud-native applications in the future.

For an excellent overview of the qualities of WebAssembly, see Lin Clark's blog post.

Our engineers have been active members of the Cloud Native Community since its infancy. WebAssembly has captured our attention the same way containers did when they first appeared, and our interest has snowballed into teaching, sharing, and engagement in the community. As a team of platform builders and integration partners, we are treating the WA ecosystem as a force that will evolve our cloud-native journey into what we believe is a bright future, colored in WebAssembly.

How we plan to contribute

At this point, WebAssembly-based technology has yet to hit the mainstream and garner widespread adoption due to lacking proof of concepts and a limited selection of learning materials. Our team prides itself on presenting strong use cases and proof of concepts for our clients, as well as our history of effective training and teaching materials. We aim to contribute the same to the WA ecosystem.

With this new level of engagement with the Bytecode Alliance, we aim to show off the exciting potential of WebAssembly as a bedrock technology for future cloud-native applications.